Early morning psy from the Easterdelic Tent. Best eastern ever, thanks everyone :)
Opening Set of the Zappelkiste #23 Tent Floor.
A travel through the psychedelic landscape. 100-150 bpm :) Thanks for the wonderful festival !
Early sunrise on the chill/thrill/kill floor of the Gaggalacka Festival. I was booked for a psybreaks set, but found it to dense and breaky for early morning moods. I changed after 20 minutes to zenonesque/progressive morning psy - sorry for those who expected psybreaks. Maybe next time in the early evening :)
Early evening on the main floor of the lift_up festival.
Opening set of the Gailalda Psyfloor. Bpm 136-145. The beginning is the rest of a 1 hour ambient intro.
As the other floors where still in the build-up phase, my mood was more for some driving and danceable sounds than the usual chill sound I would have played otherwise… Thank to Thomas for original picture
This set is meant as a follow-up to parties that ended too early and too fast, leaving your head spinning at 150 bpm. A (much needed) wind-down from 150 to a more soothing 94 bpm. Enjoy! :-)
Everything is better with a good soundtrack, so is a party build-up. I played some tunes until it started to fill up around 17:30 and my mighty will overruled the inferior auto DJ. Outside, warm, nice decoration, wonderful people, a very lovely evening :) cu @ gailalda